Monday, February 3, 2014

Thoughts on Web 2.0 and Social Media for Business

  • Facebook
  • SoundCloud
  • YouTube
  • Reddit
  • Email
  • Text Messaging
  • Snapchat

All of these are currently open and in use on either my computer or my iPhone. I’m writing, listening, messaging, texting, snapping, and viewing different forms of social media all simultaneously at the moment.

This is the reality of how we use the internet in our current technology obsessed culture. I just finished reading the first two chapters of Web 2.0 and Social Media for Business. The opening chapter serves as an introduction into all of the different social media platforms currently out in the market. As I read through the list of social media sites included in the book, I was fascinated by the reality of how we operate the internet these days. We multi-task to an amazing level while using the internet, but not in the traditional sense of the word. Rarely do I perform two forms of the same activity at once, such as write two papers or create two powerpoints. Rather, I will do something like listen to music while I write.

I think our culture has realized that we can make everything an “experience”. Why just write a paper when you can supplement that activity with sampling your favorite artist’s new album? Why only listen to music when you can text and chat with your friends at the same time? It is fair to say the younger generations are obsessed with having access to “more” all the time, but this is only because access to having “more” is always present! Although multi-tasking diminished effectiveness, it still makes for a more enjoyable experience in performing out work. We like that; it is how we operate!

Just some thoughts! More to come.  


  1. Question: Can you write a paper by taking resources from twitter and Facebook and other social media that your read (e.g., Reddit)? Can you put all these resources in one place to look at them at once, versus opening apps and windows on your screen? We shall see later on.. Papers are old school. :)

    1. I agree, papers are old school. I think it would be quite the challenge to take resources from twitter and facebook and implement them into a paper. Especially after our discussion on crap detection. It would be a large time commitment to fact check from questionable sources like reddit. I'm not sure if that is the answer your were digging for, but I have my mind wrapped around the crap detection discussion at the moment.

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